Welcome to Marc Rauer's web site for his Spring'14 students in CIS103 sections 101 and 31 meeting 1:45 to 5:45PM Tuesdays and Thursdays at NERC

As we get to excel (the tests are next week, here's what we have by jnumber order.

ID	        LIB LIT	Gr	Word	PP	Y=access	which	q1	q2	q3	q4	q5	q6	q7	Access Grade	reasons	Y=Excel	Version	Ratings	Bond	Deli	Total Excel	initial grade	Bonus	initial mark	Mark1	Mark2	Mark3	Mark4	Mark0	Max mark	Max Mark rounded	Grade
J01147143	dcbdbc	3	79.4	Y	Y	        alabama 1900	1		1	1	0.5	1	1	77.5	q5 is not a sum of states but a sum of south pop:cannot find q2	Y	4	6	ns	15	21	58.67	3	58.67	54.58241758	59.22340426	0	61.495	64.495	64.495	64	D
J00171485	bcadba	6	61.8	Y	Y	        California 1890	0.5	0	0	0.5	0.25	0	0	18.75	Linked the table in 3:query 1 is not aggregate:not isolated to california:query 5 does not have aggregate	Y	3	30	24	21	75	63.54	3	63.54	59.93406593	61.21276596	0	0	66.54	66.54	67	D
J00976895	ccbaac	1	41.2	Y	Y	        Alabama 1930	0	0.75	0	0	0	0	0	11.25	Not sure what any of these queries are.	Y	2	15	17.5	27	59.5	45.435	3	45.435	40.03846154	47.2712766	0	0	48.435	48.435	48	F
J00186635	bcadab	4	88.2		N	        Arkansas 1890								0		Y	3	40	15	28.5	83.5	59.685	0	59.685	65.58791209	59.2393617	0	0	59.685	65.58791209	66	D
J00152064	bcadba	6	97.1	Y	Y	        California 1950	1	1	0.9	1	1	0	0.5	76.5	Did not setup filed names correctly. Querys 6 and 7 completely wrong: half a point for trying	Y	2	44	30	30	104	95.83	3	95.83	95.41758242	95.56382979	100.6625	0	98.83	100.6625	101	A
J00095119	bcadac	4	91.2	Y	Y	        Arkansas 1930	1	1	1	1	0.25	1	1	88.75	part 4 did not include totals and did not deal with the midwest states, Only Arkansas	Y	3	44	30	30	104	94.51	3	94.51	93.96703297	96.28723404	0	0	97.51	97.51	98	A
J00184778	dcbdbc	3	76.5	Y	Y	        Arizona 1920	1	0	0.9	0.5	0	1	1	61.5	Didn't use field names:not sure what is q2:lack of criteria:not sure of q5	Y	2	40	22.5	30	92.5	79.625	3	79.625	77.60989011	81.51595745	84.15625	0	82.625	84.15625	84	B
J00156365	bcadab	4	91.2	Y	Y	        Arizona 1940	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	100	Perfect	Y	5	44	30	30	104	96.76	3	96.76	96.43956044	98.68085106	0	0	99.76	99.76	100	A
J00154273	bcadab	4	70.6		Y	        Colorado 1900	1	1	0.9	0.25	0.25	0.5	0.25	57.75	did not do headings with imported table:Did not determine the section (or origin) by query:Query 4 is completely wrong inclkuding no join of the two tables.Same on query 5. Query 6 is completely wrong.	Y	1	22	12	12	46	52.83	0	52.83	58.05494505	51.94680851	0	0	52.83	58.05494505	58	D
J00178754	dcbdbc	3	85.3	Y	Y	        Colorado 1920	1	0	0.9	0.5	0.5	0.9	1	67.5	Did not set up field names:4 of the queries were completely wrong.:wrong join:attempt on q5:need state in q6	N					0	51.09	0	51.09	46.25274725	51.15957447	0	54.465	54.465	54.465	54	F
J00140747	bcadba	6	88.2	Y	Y	        Connecticut 1900	1	1	1	1	1	0.5	0.25	81.25	Parts 6 and 7 did not break this down for specific counties	Y	1	42	30	30	102	93.41	3	93.41	92.75824176	92.9893617	0	0	96.41	96.41	96	A
J00175647	bcbbab	2	94.1		N	        Florida 1960								0		Y	5	18	15	10.5	43.5	45.455	0	45.455	49.95054945	46.2287234	0	0	45.455	49.95054945	50	F
J00179514	bcadba	6	100	    Y	Y	        Georgia 1920	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	100	Perfect	Y	4	44	21	27	92	97.2	3	97.2	96.92307692	97.0212766	0	0	100.2	100.2	100	A
J00149348		    0	91.2	Y	Y	        idaho 1950	1	0.5	1	1	0.75	1	0.5	81.25	Second query has too many fields: Counted totals on part 6 as half of part 7:query 6 has uppop twice.	Y	1	27	24	22.5	73.5	78.335	0	78.335	76.19230769	83.33510638	0	0	78.335	83.33510638	83	B
J00105104	bcadba	6	85.3	Y	Y	        Georgia 1860	1	1	1	1	1	1	0.5	92.5	Part 7 did not do this by aggregate	Y	1	44	30	30	104	95.49	3	95.49	95.04395604	95.20212766	0	0	98.49	98.49	98	A
J00177925	bcbbab	2	94.1	Y	N	        Nevada 1910								0		Y	6	14	Ns	6	20	46.23	0	46.23	40.91208791	47.05319149	0	0	46.23	47.05319149	47	F
J00180415	dcacac	2	88.2	Y	Y	        Illinois 1930	1	1	1	1	1	0.9	1	98.5	Q6 need state	Y	1	28	24	9	61	78.51	3	78.51	76.38461538	81.39361702	0	80.385	83.385	83.385	83	B
J00144213	bcadac	4	70.6	Y	Y	        Indiana 1940	0.5	1	1	1	0.5	1	0.5	77.5	Had uspop in twice in first query:Not using info from query 4 in 5:did indiana county in last query	Y	2	34	22.5	27	83.5	78.905	3	78.905	76.81868132	79.68617021	0	0	81.905	81.905	82	B
J00177496	bca ac	3	97.1	Y	Y	        Iowa 1890	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	100	Perfect	Y	2	44	30	30	104	97.53	3	97.53	97.28571429	100.5638298	0	0	100.53	100.5638298	101	A
J00165788	bcbdab	3	67.7	Y	Y	        Kansas 1950	1	1	1	1	0.5	1	0.5	85	Showed counties in midwest not sum of states:Did not use aggregate in q7	Y	2	42	28.5	27	97.5	83.435	3	83.435	81.7967033	85.56914894	0	0	86.435	86.435	86	B
J00171887		    0	100	    Y	Y	        Connecticut 1800	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	100	Perfect	Y	1	28	12	13.5	53.5	77.725	0	77.725	75.52197802	82.68617021	0	80.05	80.05	82.68617021	83	B
J00173555	bcadac	4	94.1	Y	Y	        Kentucky 1910		0.5						7.5	Completely wrong	Y	3	17	15	27	59	63.38	3	63.38	59.75824176	63.17021277	0	0	66.38	66.38	66	D
J00141404	bcbdac	3	85.3	Y	Y	        Louisiana 1930	1	1	1	1	1	1	0.5	92.5	Did not do aggregates in q7	Y	1	43	24	27	94	88.99	3	88.99	87.9010989	91.4787234	0	0	91.99	91.99	92	A
J00180735	bcadab	4	0	    Y	N	        Florida 1910								0		Y	2	22	22.5	27	71.5	38.025	0	38.025	31.8956044	36.19680851	0	0	38.025	38.025	38	F
J00167585	ccbdac	2	91.2	Y	Y	Maine 1920	1	1	0.9	1	0.1	0	0	55.5	Did not set up field names correctly:Did not set up query 5 with criteria:query 6 needs only one link not multiple:last query makes no sense 	Y	4	16	12.5	21	49.5	66.785	3	66.785	63.5	68.92021277	0	0	69.785	69.785	70	C
J00180741	dcbdba	4	#N/A	Y	N	Maryland 1850								0		N					0	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	0	0	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A	#N/A
J00169830	dcbdbc	3	79.4	Y	Y	Maryland 1930	1	1	1	1	0.5	0.9	0.5	83.5	Did not use aggregate in query 5:Needed added criteria of state:Used 1930 and not yr 1930	Y	2	43.6	28.5	30	102.1	88.255	3	88.255	87.09340659	90.69680851	0	0	91.255	91.255	91	A
J00170921	bdadba	5	94.1	Y	Y	Massachusetts 1790	0		1	1	0.5	1	0.5	55	Query 1 completely wrong:query 5 is not correct in not including other states	Y	6	38	30	30	98	87.53	3	87.53	86.2967033	87.79787234	95.6625	0	90.53	95.6625	96	A
J01297492	babdab	2	88.2	Y	N	Massachusetts 1870								0		N					0	37.46	0	37.46	31.27472527	37.72340426	0	0	37.46	37.72340426	38	F
J00182363	bcadac	4	64.7	Y	Y	Idaho 1900	1	1	0.9	0	0.5	0.5	0	54	didn't use field names:Not sure what is being done on the last several queries	Y	2	35	22.5	24	81.5	71.735	3	71.735	68.93956044	72.05851064	76.16875	0	74.735	76.16875	76	C
J00181473	bcadac	4	91.2	Y	Y	Michigan 1890	1	1	1	1	1	0.5	0.5	85	Didn't constrain on q6:wrong on q7	Y	1	32	30	28.5	90.5	89.035	3	89.035	87.95054945	90.46276596	0	0	92.035	92.035	92	A
J00190174	bdacab	2	58.8	Y	N	Michigan 1960								0		Y	4	20	ns	21	41	42.99	0	42.99	37.35164835	43.60638298	0	0	42.99	43.60638298	44	F
J00189226	dcadbc	4	82.4	Y	Y	Minnesota 1950	1	1	0.9	1	0.5	0.75	0.25	76.5	Didn't use field names:q34 is not aggregate:need state designation:Bad join	Y	5	31	12	6	49	70.17	3	70.17	67.21978022	70.39361702	0	71.545	74.545	74.545	75	C
J00180856	bcadac	4	79.4	Y	Y	Virginia 1920	1	1	1	0.75	1	0.75	1	92.5	q4 has too much replication:No join causing repeats	Y	3	19	24	27	70	79.82	3	79.82	77.82417582	80.65957447	0	0	82.82	82.82	83	B
J00133134	dcadac	3	0		N									0		N					0	3	0	3	3.296703297	0	0	0	3	3.296703297	3	F
J00160262	dcadba	5	0		N									0		N					0	5	0	5	5.494505495	0	0	0	5	5.494505495	5	F
J00164610	bcbdac	3	82.4	Y	N	Mississippi 1930	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	100	Perfect	Y	6	42	9	19.5	70.5	81.395	3	81.395	79.55494505	83.39893617	0	82.87	85.87	85.87	86	B
J00199192	bcadac	4	100	Y	Y	Illinois 1880	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	100	perfect	Y	5	42	24	30	96	96.6	3	96.6	96.26373626	98.5106383	0	0	99.6	99.6	100	A
J00098718	ccadac	3	73.5	Y	Y	Nevada 1890	1	0.5	1	1	1	1	1	92.5	Part 2 (I think) did not answer the question.	Y	4	32	3	30	65	75.3	3	75.3	72.85714286	76.91489362	0	76.675	79.675	79.675	80	B
J00105589	bcadba	6	91.2	Y	Y	Indiana 1870	1	0.25	1	1	0.5	1	1	81.25	Part 2 did not show all the counties of indiana:part 5 did not separate the states 	Y	5	26	14	ns	40	72.61	3	72.61	69.9010989	70.86170213	0	74.6725	77.6725	77.6725	78	B
J00180255	bcadac	4	88.2	Y	Y	Missouri 1900	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	100	Perfect	Y	5	42	30	28.5	100.5	94.635	3	94.635	94.1043956	96.42021277	0	0	97.635	97.635	98	A
J00185538	bcbdac	3	94.1	Y	N	Iowa 1950								0		Y	6	37	27	25.5	89.5	71.555	0	71.555	68.74175824	72.93085106	0	0	71.555	72.93085106	73	C
J00155130	bcbdab	3	91.2	Y	Y	Kansas 1900	0	0.5	0.9	0	0.25	0	0	20.25	Did not set up field names:4 of the queries were completely wrong.	Y	3	37	30	21	88	74.21	3	74.21	71.65934066	75.75531915	0	0	77.21	77.21	77	C
J00196800	bcbdac	3	0	Y	Y	Missouri 1950						1		15	query 6 is the only thing found	Y	6	30	ns	10.5	40.5	29.175	0	29.175	22.17032967	27.84574468	0	0	29.175	29.175	29	F
J00193498	bcbdba	5	82.4	Y	Y	Montana 1950	1	1	1	1	1	0.5	0.5	85	Need criteria of counties in 6:same problem in 7	Y	3	44	30	30	104	92.12	3	92.12	91.34065934	92.68085106	0	0	95.12	95.12	95	A
J00124229	bcbdba	5	85.3	Y	Y	Kentucky 1830	1	0.25	1	1	0.5	1	1	81.25	Part 2 did not show all the counties of indiana:part 5 did not separate the states 	Y	5	34	21	21	76	82.44	3	82.44	80.7032967	82.38297872	0	0	85.44	85.44	85	B
J00192201	bcbdac	3	91.2	Y	Y	Virginia 1800	1	0.75	1	1	1	0.75	0.5	85	Used aggregate in q4 as opposed to detail:Need state criteria in 6:need aggregate in 7	Y	1	36	30	28.5	94.5	89.435	3	89.435	88.39010989	91.95212766	0	0	92.435	92.435	92	A
J00145179	bcadab	4	67.7	Y	Y	Louisiana 1840	1	0	1	1	0.5	1	1	77.5	Did not do query 2. Query 5 did not separate states with population	Y	5	44	24	25.5	93.5	81.535	3	81.535	79.70879121	82.48404255	0	0	84.535	84.535	85	B
J00049113	bcbdab	3	94.1	Y	Y	Maine 1860	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	100	perfect	Y	6	42	30	30	102	95.93	3	95.93	95.52747253	98.86170213	0	0	98.93	98.93	99	A

Click Here For a syllabus for this term

We will eventually get to Excel and your final. To see previous Excel test (and previous scripts), start the process by clicking here

The weather has not been friendly this term. Each section, Tuesday and Thursday, has missed a class which means that the Tuesday class again leads the lectures. Expect that we will be meeting an extra day at the end of the term on the designated snow recovery day (Apr 22 and 24 if I remember correctly)

As we start the semester make sure that you have read the syllabus and understand it. This course is not designed as a free wheeling exploration of your feelings and thoughts. It is designed to introduce you to aspects of Microsoft Office and other technologies. There is work on your part to succeed in the course.

Final Schedule

Tuesday April 29 3:15-5:15

Thgursday May 1 1-3PM

For information about signing up for the Pearson web site, myitlab.com, click here. The instructor's code is CRSKL3E-10002237

The following are lesson plans for the term

Today, we continue with powerpoint. We are going to be looking at video. I'm bringing my files in on flash memory because of the time necessary to bring these files down. But here are the files.

Gunbarrel sequence: click here

Into Sequence: click here

Opening scene from second movie:click here

Titles from third movie:click here.

Entire project: click here.

We will be doing the Powerpoint testing event at the start of next week's class. We will end this class by doing last terms assignment. Again, we will concentrate on James Bond.

For our final we want to crate a five(5) slide powerpoint presentation. Below is the 5 slides

The following are the files needed to create this. These are not exactly the pictures used in our examples but they will work.

daniel craig.jpg
The James Bond Theme
oo7 theme

Animations: First screen

At 10 second intervals have bullet 2 & 3 appear with appropriate picture. Have second title start spinning as 3rd bullet appears.

Second screen

smart art grow and turn: each bullet pulses 2 seconds at 4 second intervals. At 18 seconds, spin the smart art for 2 seconds

Third slide

At 2 to 3 second intervals, fly in the pictures from different sides and have the numbers appear on top

fourth slide

Twirl title till slide is set. Link bullet with picture as they appear. At end of Ursula picture, have smart art appear

Fifth slide

Have bottom textboxes appear a few seconds before slide show ends.

Timings for the slides per the music: first with the James Bond Theme

Timing for oo7 theme

You can access older Excel tests by clicking here.

If we have time today, let's do a test from fall 2008. You can access the test by clicking here. Notice that there are two files necessary for this test. You can access these files by clicking here for its a hard days night and clicking here for bandaid.xls